Scientific Publications
Roll, L. C., De Witte, H., & Wang, H. J. (2023). Conceptualization and Validation of the Occupation Insecurity Scale (OCIS): Measuring Employees’ Occupation Insecurity Due to Automation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2589.
De Witte, H., Roll, L.C., & Van Hootegem, A. (2021). Over de gevolgen van de coronacrisis voor beroepsonzekerheid, politieke machteloosheid en het geloof in samenzweringen [Over de following van de coronacrisis voor beroepsonzekerheid, politieke machteloosheid en het loof in samenzweringen]. Gedrag en Organisatie, 34(3), 382-406.
De Witte, H., Roll, L.C., & Van Hootegem, A. (2021). Op drie wijzen onzeker: over de impact van COVID-19 op job-en beroepsonzekerheid [Uncertain in three ways: about the impact of COVID-19 on job and occupation insecurity]. OVER. WERK, 79-87.
Conference Presentations
Roll, L.C., De Witte, H., & Wang, H. (2022, July). The Impact of Occupation Insecurity Across Different Age Groups: Evidence From Belgium, Germany and China. In H. De Witte (Chair), Symposium Job Insecurity 1 – (Comparison of) different operationalisations of (job) insecurity. Symposium presented at the 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Bordeaux, France.
Roll, L.C., De Witte, H., & Wang, H. (2022, April). Measuring Employees' Perceived Threat of Automation: Validation of the Occupation Insecurity Scale. In L. Jiang and T.M. Probst (Chairs), Job Insecurity Research in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Automation. Symposium presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Seattle, WA, USA.
News media